What you need to know about the Dynamics GP 2018 release schedule


Microsoft has announced the release date for GP 2018 as 1st December 2017.

Microsoft guarantees Dynamics customers that together with the new features, Dynamics GP 2018 can make jobs easier, providing comprehensive, core functionality.

What is there to look forward to?

With the release date now here, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 will enhance the core application, user experience, and platform around the following key areas:

  1. Workflow 3.0 – Microsoft continues to extend the capabilities of Workflow, including:
  • Reminder emails.
  • Workflow history report.
  • General Ledger Account workflow approval.
  • Additional fields to workflow emails.

2. User experience – Microsoft is giving users easier and faster ways to find and get to the data they are looking for, with features including:

  • New sort options in the customer/vendor inquiry windows.
  • System password.
  • Autocomplete in Web Client.
  • VS (Visual Studio) tools for web client.

3. Power ‘Suite’ Evolution – Microsoft offers support with:

  • Paging, filtering, and OData V4.
  • GP Power BI content pack.

4. Financials & Distribution – Microsoft optimise experience with:

  • Suggest PO – PO list.
  • AA – copy user access across dimensions.
  • Copy project PO.
  • Vendor settings optimisations.
  • Print and email a single statement from the customer card.

5. Comprehensive Doc Attach – Microsoft introduce the next evolution with comprehensive Doc Attach on most master record windows, inquiry windows and transaction entry windows.

So what does this release date mean for you?

Once GP 2018 is released, all other supporting applications need to make themselves compatible, including the multiple third-party applications currently in use.

There is also the partner (Professional Advantage) readiness to consider. We need time to review the solution, carry out a test upgrade, and train resources to have a full understanding of the upgrade. We want to make sure you as a client are able to take full advantage of new functionality.

Therefore, you can expect Professional Advantage’s client delivery date to be from mid-February 2018 onwards.

Are you interested in upgrading?

What do you need to do?

We can start planning with you for an upgrade now. This involves Professional Advantage engaging with you, the client, to participate in the Upgrade Project Scope Process. Whilst your Account Manager will be discussing this with you if you are eager to get the process started, let us know.

Once you have spoken with us, we will look at what it entails to upgrade you to the latest version.

  • It all starts with the Upgrade Project Scoping Process, which involves a consultant meeting with you and writing up the Project Scope Agreement document.
  • Within the Project Scope Agreement (PSA) document is information on the new features; any customisations that need to be upgraded, or any that are no longer required because they are now standard functionality; the timings of the upgrade from start to finish; allocation of the tasks required, and whether they are to be completed by Professional Advantage or the client; and outlines the cost for the upgrade.
  • Once Professional Advantage has provided the PSA and it is signed off by the client, it is handed over to our Project Management teams, and they can proceed to confirm dates in the consultant's calendars.
  • Any queries can be discussed with Account Managers, including confirming the timing of the Upgrade Project Scope Process.

Have a look at our Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 homepage for more information.

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