The anatomy of a perfect ClubIntel pitch


You’ve read the ClubIntel brochures. You’ve watched the demos. You can list multiple ways that ClubIntel will deliver value to your club and its members.

It’s no secret that you want to start using ClubIntel. But before you can move forward, you need to clear a major hurdle: convincing the board that it’s worth the investment. While not always an indicator of future success, a board presentation is a critical moment for any software project.

Here are our tips for pitching ClubIntel to achieve a winning outcome:

1. Identify pain points

Board members bring a diverse range of skills and experience to the table. Some will instantly understand how ClubIntel works and why it’s great. Others may lose interest if the conversation is too technical.

Maintain focus by identifying the business challenges ClubIntel will solve for you and your club. We all know clubs have many business systems, such as gaming, point of sale, payroll and rostering, that don’t talk to each other.

  • Are the daily manually manipulated Excel reports time-consuming to produce and do they contain errors?
  • Do executives struggle to measure performance?
  • Have you been producing the same reports over and over, and do you not know what else to measure?

Explaining ClubIntel’s benefits in practical terms will help board members realise its value.

2. Focus on benefits

Ever noticed that toothpaste companies don’t sell toothpaste by listing the ingredients? Instead of promoting the wonders of sodium fluoride, they sell the benefits of the product: fresh breath, white teeth and healthy gums. This approach works for board presentations too. Rather than discussing integrations and auto-populated metrics, talk about why they are beneficial. For example, successful clubs manage income and expenses, and identify attendance and spending patterns by area within the club. One benefit of ClubIntel is that it provides visibility across all these areas, unlocking insights that support informed decision making.

3. Make it real for each business unit

From the gaming floor to the chief executive’s office, each part of the club faces unique obstacles. It’s your job to let stakeholders know that ClubIntel can solve them. During your presentation, be sure to focus on role-specific benefits. Here are some suggestions:

  • Marketing - Measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and use analytics to target members based on their behaviour
  • Executives - Gain deeper insight into revenue sources and cycles to make smarter decisions
  • Operations - Improve the ability to control revenue and expenses, and plan ahead by analysing past performance

4. Make a case for acting now

If you’d like ClubIntel in your club ASAP, you need to convince the board to take immediate action. Why act now, compared to six months from now?

Clubs across Australia already use ClubIntel in their day-to-day, looking for trends and patterns in their data. Businesses outside of the club industry use similar solutions to maintain a competitive edge, increase revenue and allocate resources more effectively. The sooner your club makes the leap, the sooner it will reap comparable benefits.

5. Start small

Your club wasn’t built in a day. Your next IT project doesn’t need to be either. With ClubIntel, you don’t need to make sweeping changes across the club. Remind the board that they can start small, such as by connecting gaming and point of sale systems only. It’s always possible to expand later as the need grows.

Bonus: Let them know you’re working with the Experts

A fear of the unknown is natural. So when it comes to new software projects, it can help to reassure the board that they’ll be working with an experienced, trusted provider. Professional Advantage doesn’t just understand business intelligence and analytics. We're also deeply familiar with the challenges that clubs face, the systems they use, and how to connect to them. Read more about our club expertise.

Even if you’re the CEO, board presentations can be daunting. To maximise buy-in, focus on business challenges, discuss benefits over features and make a compelling case for taking action today.

Want more advice about getting your board on board? Speak to a ClubIntel consultant today.

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