Software Advice and Best Practices

Don’t sweat the small stuff

14 JUNE 2022 - 2 MINS READ

Why is it that people can’t see the forest for the trees?A blog from one of our Project Managers.During my many (possibly too many) years...

Software optimisation: Is it still necessary?

7 JUNE 2022 - 5 MINS READ

First, a bit of history.Since the beginning of computing, optimisation has been an important part of writing software. In the very beginning, computers had an...

Top Questions about Microsoft Teams

31 MAY 2022 - 6 MINS READ

Are you new to Microsoft Teams? Do you have questions about it that need quick answers? If you missed our webinar on how to enable modern collaboration...

Ingredients for an effective Business Intelligence solution

24 MAY 2022 - 7 MINS READ

In the last 10 years, the Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Analytics market have seen rapid and continuous growth; the amount of data and information...

Keeping the Connection Alive – Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

17 MAY 2022 - 1 MIN READ

Inactivity on a connection is when the Business Central client is not sending messages to the Business Central Server.What happens if the session is still...

Modernising your business applications

3 MAY 2022 - 3 MINS READ

Today’s technological advancements have elevated employees’ expectations of what is possible from business applications. Gartner predicts that “by 2023, 40% of professional workers will expect...

How can you minimise the repercussions of a ransomware attack?

26 APRIL 2022 - 2 MINS READ

A blog from one of our Microsoft Dynamics GP consultants.In the last two months, I have worked with two Dynamics GP clients who suffered ransomware...

Planning a file share to SharePoint Online content migration

19 APRIL 2022 - 6 MINS READ

In the past few years there has been a major uptake in organisations opting to migrate their content from on-premises locations, such as SharePoint or...

Struggling with Integrations between SunSystems and Cloud Applications?

5 APRIL 2022 - 3 MINS READ

Infor ION may be the answer.Gartner forecasted end-user spending on public cloud services to reach $396 billion in 2021, and to continue to grow 21.7%...

Keeping the Connection Alive – Microsoft Dynamics GP

15 MARCH 2022 - 1 MIN READ

Within Microsoft Dynamics GP, the majority of the posting process actually occurs on the SQL server rather than on the workstation. At certain intervals in the process, the...